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Mind & Brain - Behavioral Change

Research for the only non-contradictory mind and brain model. When this research is applied, it helps people to intentionally flow!

Mind & Brain - Behavioral Change

When I visit a classroom, I hear students ask teachers how long until lunch or gym or when they can go home. The answer is usually "a couple of hours." It's then I will ask the class, "Would you rather go home in two hours but it feels like fifteen minutes or go home in fifteen minutes and it feels like two hours?" The answer is always "go home in two hours."

Robots would want to go home in fifteen minutes.

That ought to tell us HUMANS are driven by pleasure, not reality.

The human brain is made for pleasure, not reality.

Every person does everything for happiness.

Everyone does everything for one of two reasons: either get their brain to release pleasure chemicals now or set their brain up to release pleasure chemicals in the future. If you don't believe this, do something now that will not give you pleasure chemicals in this moment nor allow you to look back and feel good about this moment.

This means everyone's behavior is driven by their unconscious brain, not their conscious brain.
Why does racism have a hold on people when they know it is wrong?
Why do addicts keep using even when they say they don't want to?
Why do you lose your temper even when you don’t want to?

BEHAVIOR is in the unconscious brain.
INTELLIGENCE is in the conscious brain.

Think of a computer. Part of the computer runs the hardware, keyboard, screen, and part of it stores data and processes information. If you used data storage and processing to run the hardware of the computer, you would end up with less processing power and malfunctioning errors.

Behavior change through intelligence hurts people. It makes behavior worse and the person less intelligent.

Bradley is told to put the blocks away. As long as he is thinking, "Put the blocks away," he will put the blocks away. However, the moment he thinks of anything else, he will stop putting the blocks away.

If you tell a student to stop talking, as long as he thinks about "stop talking," he will stop talking. However, he can't do his math assignment. If he does, he will begin talking.

In fact, if you see someone walking over a bumpy rug and you say, "Don't trip," studies have shown the person is now three times more likely to trip. Did you hurt them or help them?

We are showing people how to change behavior without appealing to intelligence, and the behavior changes instantly and permanently, and most times the person doesn't know it.

For example, we taught these techniques to teachers who were mostly women. They were skeptical, so they wouldn't try this on their students. Instead, they tried it on their children and husband. After a week, they came back shocked that their husband's behavior changed and he didn't notice it. They wondered if telling him would ruin it. Then they used it on Emotional Behavior Disorder (EBD) students with diagnosed mental issues and it worked. No one else deals with tougher cases than pre-teen and teenage EBD students with diagnosed mental issues.

We have hundreds of stories, but there is one that seems to keep reoccurring. We have seen it with people from 4 to 64 years old. The most dramatic involved an 11-year-old girl.

Bridgett's parents saw she seemed to be going into her shell. They found out she was getting bullied at school. Bridgett's father had taken Flowcess training. He taught her one of the many unconscious confrontation techniques: he coached her to say, "Would it be okay if I did that to you?" to the bully when he bullied her, and then he told her to walk away. What do you think the bully did?

He reported her for bullying him!

Here's why this works...

Behavior is in the unconscious. Intelligence is in the conscious. The unconscious brain is nine times the size of the conscious brain. The unconscious brain has seen this bully do the bad behavior and observed it the same way as in the card flip analogy before 80 flips. The unconscious assumes the bully doesn't know what he's doing. However, when he gets asked the question, his unconscious now knows he is aware of the issue.

If he says "yes", he will be giving people permission to bully him and he doesn't want to do that. Even if a person rationalizes it by saying, "I’m the boss. I can do what I want," there is always someone who can do this to him: his boss, the government, etc. He will learn the lesson then, and afterward, his behavior will change towards you.

If he answers "no," then his unconscious will make him feel bad from that point on and this changes his behavior. He is going to want to bully her, but his unconscious will make him feel miserable when he begins to do it.

Even if he doesn't answer, his unconscious can make him feel bad about everything he's already done, and that hurts. It hurts so much, he feels bullied even though in reality he was not. Our brains are not made for reality.

Our unconscious brain is a fairness machine. It is reflexive. Whatever people do to us, it immediately wants to do to them. Whatever we do to others, our unconscious does to us on the inside. Monkey see, monkey do. Most of the issues people have are ones they caused themselves by being unfair. People hurt themselves when they participate in unjust thinking.

What is the solution? To think justly.

Notice, if Bridgett had asked the question and then told him he was wrong, his unconscious would focus on her instead of the bully and his behavior wouldn't have changed. In fact, he would feel more justified in bullying her.

Notice, EVERYTHING is behavior.

EVERYTHING that bothers you is either:

  • someone else's behavior

  • your behavior

Now we see why things are getting worse!

Our perspective on behavior is based on a model that sees humans as robots!


We saw that there are two scales people need to be aware of relative to thought processes: Adaptation and Habituation.

For example, a teenage boy can be habituated to 160 wanting to isolate and play video games. You can help him adapt to 80 in the moment, but he won't be happy. "Yes, I have a test on Friday. Any other questions? I'm listening. Are we done? Thank you!" And then he returns to his video game and thinks: Ohhhh, this feels good!

Did you know technology companies are hiring neuroscientists to help them design even more addictive games? They have a "diaper goal:" develop a game so addictive, people will wear a diaper so they don't have to stop playing the game to go to the bathroom.

We saw the first three thought processes can't last forever. Now we can see everything in our culture is actually accelerating the rate at which we habituate to 160 and eventually 320!

The only solution for sustainable healthy Happiness is to habituate the brain to the 10 thought process. However, we can't live in the 10 thought process, so the way this is done is to toggle between 80 and 10, which is known as Flow. The 10 thought process not only repairs the brain, it actually grows white matter, which is the healthy part of our brain. The other three thought processes ultimately age the brain, which leads to Alzheimer's.

The key to habituating to Flow is rather than focus externally like the other three thought processes, the person needs to learn how to focus internally on bringing their uniqueness out, so every situation is an opportunity to act from their uniqueness. We can see the difference between each thought process when we look at stress.

  • People who have habituated to 320 want to cause stress in other people.

  • People who have habituated to 160 want to avoid stress.

  • People who have habituated to 80 want to cause stress within themselves.

  • People who have habituated to 10 look to embrace external stress

Your brain can never get used to giving up control and embracing stress. You can have dopamine and endorphin without pain.

Another way of looking at this is when you get a stressful project. How do you imagine being happy?

  • People who have habituated to 320 want to quit the project.

  • People who have habituated to 160 want the project done so it is out of the way.

  • People who have habituated to 80 want the project done so they can celebrate an accomplishment.

  • People who have habituated to 10 enjoy doing the project.

There are three areas where people try to help others, but are actually damaging them:

  1. Avoiding stress prevents healthy happiness.

  2. Personality tests focus the person on external behavior and prevent healthy happiness.

  3. Using intelligence to change behavior makes the behavior worse and the person less intelligent.

Worse, people are understanding the brain well enough to know how to get a short-term behavioral change through the conscious brain, and it is leading to damaging the person long term. If you are a successful high school or college coach, you can feel justified because these players helped you win championships now by aging their brains so they have worse issues later in life. These are issues our culture has to deal with.

These posts are informational. I'm not showing you specific steps to change your behavior. I hope you can see it would be completely hypocritical of me to do that. What do you think of now when you think of presentations that give you conscious steps to change your behavior? Do you think they are hurting you or helping you? Do you think all the instruction we have received over the last forty years is making people less addicted and less racist? Is it possible it is making us more addicted and more racist?

I'd like to end this with an imaginary story.

If aliens visited our planet and reported back their assessment of humans, what would it sound like? I think they would say:

"The only way for humans to be Happy and Healthy is to rely on 90% of their brain by Flowing, and it would result in them being more intelligent than any computer they could make."

"However, these humans rely on the 10% of their brain that is running down, prevents their happiness and ruins their health, and they will eventually be replaced by the computers they are creating."

Does it really take being a member of a superior alien race to realize how our strategy to think more, be more conscious, and be more controlling is completely doomed?

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